Monday, September 22, 2008

A Stranger

A Stranger
By: tiwin 9.20.08

Strangers at one point,
Good friends we become.

Nobody knows how our world exists;
It’s a matter of time when you
Truly came in.

A matter of fate; where the right person
At the right place & at the right time;

Nobody understands how the universe conspire us
to meet and blossom
this thing called FRIENDSHIP.

But then, it just happens, you click and the story begins.
I’m glad I’m part of your story…

A Cuss in Silence

“A Cuss in Silence”
by: tiwin 9.20.08

A cuss with full of dreams;
He paused to look back on the things
He used to do and live with.

He is an innocent bloke as you see him;
An expensive smile that hardly be bought
But full of stories as you get along with.

He can love as he wanted too
He cared to those who care of him;
He is sweeter for those who longed for the sweetness.

What made a cuss in silence?
A cuss made in silence in times of solitude and despair;
He chooses to be in silence if he thinks of his dreams & plans to aim.

He remember the things from the past
That reminds him of who he is and what he becomes now;
Facing the reality makes him accept the fact of what he wants to be.

Being what image he project
Is a way of giving people the courage to know who he is;
May or might be to the person who is sensitive enough to his personality;
A silent cuss to describe is the person who I ought to know.

He has a deep thinking of what really life is and can read person’s mind.
It is rare to find a person who has mysterious being.
He has his own story of being a silent CUSS.